News: New England Archivists’ Fall Meeting

This is just a friendly reminder that the New England Archivists’ Fall Meeting will take place on?Friday and Saturday, October 14 & 15 at?Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. The meeting theme is “Teaching with Primary Sources.” You can find details about registration and the program on the NEA website:?

If you are wondering how you can contribute to the NEA Fall Meeting and get more involved in NEA, consider volunteering to be a session reporter. Your report on the session content will be published in the NEA Newsletter. If you are interested in this opportunity, e-mail Amanda ([email protected]) or Camille ([email protected]) and we will put you in touch with the NEA newsletter contact.

Also, SCoSAA is looking for students to write blog entries about their experiences at NEA. Contact Amanda or Camille for more information, and be sure to check out the SAA blog entries that are still being posted:

NEA Scholarship!
Remember that SCoSAA is holding an NEA Scholarship contest! The deadline to enter is?October 1.? Enter your name in the contest by filling out this easy form:? Contact SCoSAA treasurer Sarah Funke Donovan ([email protected]) with any questions.

NEA Room/ride share Wiki!
Are you looking for a ride or a roommate? Do you have extra space in your car and want to share the cost of gas or a rental? SCoSAA is hosting a room/ride share wiki? Leave your name and contact information and check back often for new names.

LISSA Professional Development Reimbursement
The NEA Fall Meeting qualifies for LISSA Professional Development Reimbursement. The Fall 2011 deadline to request Professional Development Reimbursement is?October 11. For more information, see the LISSA Wiki:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. The NEA meetings are wonderful opportunities to network with professionals and learn about the archives profession outside of the classroom. We hope to see you there!