NEA Roundtable Proposal – Early Professionals and Students

Please consider getting involved!

If you want to sign the petition but are not yet a member of NEA, join here. You’ll be glad you did!


As many of you know after the Fall Meeting at Simmons, NEA is in the process of incorporating roundtables into their organization. These roundtables are a great space for people to come together and talk about their shared interests and concerns about the profession and are a way for members to take part in NEA programming.

In that spirit?some current Simmons students, and a former one, have come together to create a roundtable for students and new professionals, called?REPS (a Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students)!

If you are an early professional (1-3 years working in the field) or a student and would like to be part of a roundtable that positively and proactively discusses:

– How to be a new professional
– How to engage in the field of archives and be a contributor at conferences, with articles, presentations, or behind the scenes
– How to get the most of your archival education
– How to get your first professional full-time job
– How to succeed at your first professional job
– How to start and build on professional networks
– And, well, anything else that is related to being a new professional or student

Then please email Caitlin Birch, Michelle Chiles, and Camille Torres at?[email protected].?

We are looking for people to sign our petition (which can be done via email) and be part of the discussion.?While we welcome input from all students and early professionals, please note that NEA requires the petition signatures to be limited to NEA members only.?Feel free to email us your questions, comments, concerns, etc. about this proposal.?

We want to hear from you on how to make this roundtable meaningful and substantial!?
If you would like to sign our petition to get this roundtable started,?please email us at[email protected]?no later than December 10, 2012.