Yes We Scan! Start A National Effort To Digitize All Public Government Info

The administration should create a group that will answer–within 1 year–the question “what would it take to scan .gov?” What are our federal holdings, what would it take to digitize them, how much would it cost, what are the economic and non-economic benefits?

A national digitization strategy can save money, create jobs, revitalize education, and unleash the treasures buried in the Smithsonian, Library of Congress, National Archives, Printing Office, and other national institutions. We need to scan at scale and make access to knowledge a right for all Americans. If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we launch the Library of Congress into cyberspace?

More information about this petition can be found at

If you wish to sign the petition, go to!/petition/start-national-effort-digitize-all-public-government-info/15vthgVB