Minutes: September 17, 2009

When: September 17, 2009
Where: Unknown
Attendees: Unknown
Recorded by: Unknown

  1. Introductions
    • Marti and Marta introduced themselves
  2. Announcements
    • Marta mentioned the list serve and asked everyone to sign up
    • Field Trips
      • Marta mentioned signing up for field trips to the Massachusetts Historical Society; most 438 classes will attend MHS, but for those who do not, this would be an option; a sign up sheet was sent around
      • Marta mentioned a future trip to the JFK Library; future dates will be announced through the list serve
    • Service opportunities
      • Kate mentioned signing up to help at the Beaver Day School; people are needed to help organize; a sign up sheet was sent around
    • NEA
      • Laura discussed NEA and attending the NEA conference November 6-7, 2009; session reporters are still needed for the conference–contact Laura Cass for more information
      • Marta announced Richard Cox will be the keynote speaker and the event will be held at UMass Boston
      • NEA Outreach committee is looking for a student to join the committee, for those who are interested in participating contact Marta or Marti
    • Disaster Panel
      • Marti announced that a panel will be held in November 5, 2009 at 7pm to discuss disaster recovery; the panel will include a number of guest speakers from the greater Boston area; more information will be sent closer to the time; Marti encouraged students to send questions to the SCoSAA email
    • Obsolete Media
      • Christina and Tim discussed the obsolete media project
    1. Future meetings
      • A representative from NEA will be at the next meeting to discuss future involvement
      • Contact
        • Marti discussed ways to contact SCoSAA for future questions and sources of information
      1. Introductions
        • Each officer introduced themselves (excluding Kevin and Shannon, who Marti introduced)
        • Kathryn, the student/faculty representative also introduced herself
      2. Questions
        • Marti opened up the remainder of the time for questions

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