Minutes: February 01, 2010

When: February 1, 2010
Where: Unknown
Attendees: Unknown
Recorded by: Unknown

  1. JFK Library
    • We will be visiting the JFK Library on Thursday, November 12th at 2pm. A sign up sheet was passed around.
  2. Advising Day, October 28th, 12-2pm
    • We are looking for volunteers to sit at tables and discuss the archives program and SCoSAA with incoming students. Any student who is interested in volunteering should contact Marta or Marti.
  3. Dr. Saad Eskander, October 22nd, 7pm
    • Dr. Eskander will discuss his experiences as the National Library Director of Iraq.
  4. Disaster Panel, November 5th, 7pm
    • We will be hosting a panel on disaster recovery featuring local experts who have worked on significant disaster recovery efforts.
  5. Obsolete Media Collection
    • While we have had a good initial response, we are still looking for examples of obsolete media to add the collection. For more information about the project please see the SCoSAA website.
  6. NEA
    • Krystal from the New England Archivists discussed opportunities for students to meet archival professionals in the field and get involved with NEA through the various committees. She also mentioned the NEA Fall meeting which will be held at UMass Boston on November 6-7.

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