Minutes: September 8, 2010

When: September 8, 2010,?5:35 p.m. to 5:55 p.m.
Where: GSLIS Student Lounge
Attendees: SCoSAA officers; Ross Harvey, Martha Mahard, Tywanna Whorley, Kathy Wisser; roughly 50 other attendees.
Recorded by: Abraham Miller

  1. Call to Order
  2. Introduction of Officers
  3. Introduction of SCoSAA
    • Goals of the organization
      • Introduce students to the archives profession
      • Enhance the archives curriculum through programs, tours, and panels
    • Student Group related to the national professional association, Society of American Archivists [SAA], to which students receive discounts
    • Works with local professional organization, New England Archivists [NEA]
  4. Introduction of Archives Professors
  5. Announcement from the LISSA
    • Miranda Rivers, LISSA Treasurer, discussed the Professional Development fund
    • Fund is good for conferences, professional memberships, workshops, continuing education.
    • Deadline for application is coming up quickly, near the end of September
  6. SAA*DC2010 Report
    • Abraham Miller attended
      • Enjoyed the conference and recommends the experience
      • A lot of energy is required because of long days and many panels
      • Invaluable networking experience and has contacts across the country
    • Stacie Williams attended
      • Similar experience to Abraham
      • Attended Simmons GSLIS Alumni event
      • Recommends that everyone attend a conference
  7. Upcoming Events
    • Curriculum and Internship Meetings
      • Monday, 9/13/2010, 12:30-1:30 p.m., GSLIS Lounge
      • Wednesday, 9/15/2010, 12:30-1:30 p.m., GSLIS Lounge
      • Discussion on Curriculum changes regarding LIS532B: Field Study Requirement
      • Internship Experience Chat on what to expect and look for in an internship
    • Archives Month, October ? More details to come soon
      • Tour of Congregational Library, October 7, 2010
      • Panel Discussion, October 12, 2010
      • Open Access Week / Archives Month workshop, October 19, 2010
    • NEA, Fall 2010 Meeting
      • November 5-6, 2010 in at Keene State College, NH
      • SCoSAA will have wiki online to help coordinate transport and/or roomshares
    • Job Shadow program with NEA
  8. Contact information
    • Join the listserv
    • Officers use social media and SCoSAA has a twitter account and facebook group
    • Contact us if you have any questions or concerns
  9. Opened the floor for question and comment

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