Minutes: February 25, 2009

When: February 25, 2009,?5:35p.m. to 5:50 p.m.
Where: Faculty Dining Room
Attendees: SCoSAA officers; Kathryn Hammond Baker, NEA President, two NEA Members-at-large, fourteen other attendees.
Recorded by: Abraham Miller

  1. Welcome
  2. Announcements
    • Job Shadow Program
      • Register through the SCoSAA website via survey monkey
      • March 2 deadline for students, February 28 deadline for hosts
      • Schedule visit with host institution by the end of the term
      • Laura Pike and Melissa Gonzales preparing poster on Job Shadow Program to present at SAA Conference
    • NEA Spring Conference March 27-28, 2009
      • On the Researcher, Archivist relationship
      • Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina keynote
      • At Harvard’s Schlesinger Library
      • $25 for Students
    • Tom Hyry, SAA Council, at NEA
      • Holding a meet and greet before the NEA Conference
      • March 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge
    • Mark Greene video conference
      • Tentative date on April 8, 2009
      • Revised tentative date on April 15, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
  3. Field Trips and Events
    • WGBH visit on Tuesday, March 31, 2009
      • Tour the PBS Studios, archives
      • View how WGBH presents and preserves digital material using open source software
    • SLA visit to the JFK Library on March 4, 2009
    • Women and Archives Conference, March 6-7, 2009 at Brown University
    • Digital Commonwealth Conference at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester on March 31, 2009.
  4. New England Archivist at SCoSAA
    • NEA
      • Mission to promote and advance the Archives and Records Management Profession
      • Activities
        • Two Meetings each year in the spring and in the fall
        • Outreach opportunities
      • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Benefits to Students
      • Half Price Meeting Fees ? benefit of networking opportunities
      • Proposed Half Price membership fees
      • Scholarships
        • Richard W. Hale Jr. Professional Development Award
        • Richard L. Haas Memorial Award for records management and archives
      • How to get involved
        • NEA Meetings
        • Workshops

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