About Us


Simmons Language Lab is a collaborative center for work on computational linguistics at Simmons College. Ongoing research attempts to bridge the gap between human understanding and machine processing of natural language. In SLANG, Assistant Professor Amber Stubbs and Director of Computer Science and Informatics Program Nanette Veilleux conduct research on both written and spoken text, including syntactic and semantic annotations, automated text processing, and studies in speech prosody.


NanetteVielleuxNanette Veilleux is a Professor in the Computer Science and Information Technology department. Her research interests include primary research in computational models of speech, as well as investigations of pedagogical methods in STEM education. The first topic involves primary research into the categories of English prosody (emphasis and phrasing) and can be used to improve automatic speech understanding. The later topic involves an approach to pedagogy that is not only effective to convey discipline knowledge but also encourages students to remain and thrive in their disciplines. She is currently principle investigator on two collaborative NSF funded grants.


AmberStubbsAmber Stubbs is an Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Science.  Her research focuses on natural language processing of text data, with a focus on medical records.  She co-authored Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning with James Pustejovsky, and received her PhD in Computer Science from Brandeis University.  Amber writes the Mystery Linguistics Theater posts, and apologizes in advance for all the mistakes in them.





Many thanks to Jillianna Farietta, who created the SLANG logo!