Monthly Archives: January 2016

Over winter break, I spent a few days reading through the articles published last year detailing the outcomes of the various tracks of the 2014 i2b2 challenge, which is where the data we're currently investigating came from in the first place. The articles I read primarily concerned risk factor identification and heart disease prediction systems, since those are closely relevant to our team's work.

In particular, a few of these papers explicitly mention the impact of missing (i.e., unstated, undocumented) risk factors on developed systems which rely on tagged risk factor metadata; developing methods not only to identify missing risk factors but also to create workarounds seems to be an area of clear research opportunity/necessity.

Our first week back, we wrote the rest of our proposal for the 2016 Tapia Celebration student poster session, and submitted it Friday (thanks very much to Professor Stubbs' help!), and will move on to move computational pursuits in the meantime.