ASIS&T New Leader Award

Simmons ASIS&T is happy to announce that our Chapter Chair Anne Pepitone is one of the recipients of the 2014-2016 ASIS&T New Leaders Awards.

The New Leaders Awards are granted to ASIS&T members in their first three years of membership and are designed to recruit, engage, and retain new leadership and to identify potential for new leadership in the Association. The award includes conference registrations and up to $1000 in travel expenses over the next two Annual Meetings. Each New Leader will be assigned a mentor and to a SIG (special interest group) that they will meet with at the Annual Meetings and participate in associated projects throughout the year.

Eight awards are given each year, and this year was very competitive with a higher number of applications than in the past. Simmons ASIS&T is thrilled to have Anne representing us, and we’re looking forward to hearing about her experience as a New Leader in the coming months. Past winners of the award can be found here:

You can find the Simmons GSLIS write up here: