NEASIST Meetup this Thursday!

Hi all! Everyone is invited to the NEASIST monthly meetup; the August topic is responsive design (websites that can be navigated easily no matter what device you’re using) for library websites. Hot nachos (provided by NEASIST!) + cool drinks + cool people + cool topic = you should come!

Everyone is welcome: expert or novice, professional or student, member or not! I will certainly be there (Kate Nyhan Simmons ASIS&T rep to NEASIST), so if you’re coming and you want some moral support from a Simmons buddy, let me know: [email protected].

The details about this fun event, you ask? This Thursday, 8/14, 6-8pm, at Champions in Kendall Square. Accessible by subway, or you can use the cheap validated parking (but only if you enter the garage after 6pm!)
More info and RSVPs (helpful but not required!) on
We hope to see you there!