ASIS&T Webinar: Challenges of Digital Media Preservation

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time: 11:30 – 12:30 pm

Location: P-213 Palace Road Building, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA

We are hosting an ASIS&T webinar on the Challenges of Digital Media Preservation. The description for the event is below:

Preserving digital audio and video files present their own unique challenges, which become particularly difficult in an archive that is constantly in use. WGBH has been attempting to manage this problem for over 10 years. With producers currently delivering born digital files, trying to keep up with the technology keeps the archive scrambling. New workflows, file naming, organizational standards, and flexible systems to accommodate a wide range of incoming media are all needed. WGBH, with the support from NEH, is currently looking at utilizing an open source system called Hydra to help solve some of the challenges.

Please R.V.S.P.!

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