Data Scientist Training for Librarians Tells All

This past spring, four current GSLIS students and several GSLIS alums were among the participants in an experimental course at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics John G. Wolbach Library, Data Scientist Training for Librarians.  Come hear about their experiences at a recap event on June 4th!

Data Scientist Training for Librarians Tells All 
Date and Time: June 4th, 5-7pm
Location: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Phillips Auditorium (and streaming online)

Librarians are adept at helping patrons find information and go to great lengths in its curation so that it can be found and presented to users in a meaningful way. In many ways, librarians are familiar with aspects of the data science workflow but are not using the tools and methodologies that data scientists currently benefit from. Data Scientist Training for Librarians (#DST4L) is an experimental course at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, John G. Wolbach Library, intended to upgrade the skills of librarians so that they can respond to the changing needs of patrons, especially when it comes to research data, and hopefully become invaluable contributors to the data scientist community.
In the course, we have covered data science topics, worked hands-on with software such as OpenRefine, programmed in languages such as Python and R, and had notable data scientist guest speakers join the class to either present or provide training. DST4L participants have also worked on special projects involving data from sources ranging from the NASA ADS to the Internet Archive.

At this event, we will provide background on the course, lessons we have learned and present course projects, ending in an open discussion. The event will be held on June 4th, 5-7pm, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Phillips Auditorium.
If you are interested in the event, please register by following the link below:

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