Pictures are worth a thousand herbs

herbsI wanted to share with you two beautiful and fun resources I’ve been using.

Anyone who likes to blog, develop wiki’s, and create presentations might enjoy these two sites as well.  After a little research and testing there are two that make me smile because of their variety and ease.

Okay, so the winter has me thinking about homesteadhomesteading.  Natural and homemade of course.  However, what this really means is that I try to grow a few herbs on my windowsill…  Of course, growing PolaStout a digital collection of herbs might be fun too.  It’s a “natural” instinct and “homemade” on the home computer!

The first is which I’ve mentioned in a previous post.  Not only is the conceptvintageherbs intriguing, but the collection of images and apps are fun!  I would like to give a shout out in particular to the app called “Culture Collage” which displays a flowing river of images based on your keywords.  Type in “herbs” and you can download these beautiful images because links you to other institutions.

Want beautiful free photographs under creative commons?  Check out  You can have emails sent to you with new photos or just go directly to their site.  prepcookThere you can search by keyword.  Keep an open and artistic mind and you can find some inspired photos to heat up any website or visualize your brilliant story.

Good luck growing your windowsill or digital herbs and have fun stocking up on your pics.