NE-ASIS&T to Announce 2016 Student Travel Award

Interested in traveling, and professionalizing and networking at the same time? Tomorrow, the Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NE-ASIS&T), will announce its annual travel awards to support participation in an ASIS&T Summit or Annual Meeting. This year, the student award will support up to $1,000 toward one of three events: IA Summit: A Broader Panorama (May 4-8 in Atlanta, GA), RDAP Summit: Research Data Access and Preservation (May 4-6 in Atlanta, GA), or ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information Science with Impact: Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology (October 14-18 in Copenhagen, Denmark).

Each of these events offers excellent opportunities for current graduate students to gain more insight into the latest research in the broad and multifaceted field of information science. NE-ASIS&T defines information science broadly to include future librarians, archivists, data/knowledge managers, information architects, web developers, or anyone else with a stake in the information science field. The goals of NE-ASIS&T’s travel award are to support scholarship and connect research and practice and to bring new voices to the chapter. The student award will support a year-long membership in ASIS&T as well as the cost of conference registration and some travel costs to the event venues.

So if you’re a graduate student in a discipline  that falls under the broad umbrella of information science and technology, consider attending one of these events and applying for this generous award! Visit NE-ASIS&T’s website to see previous award winners. The deadline for the 2016 award is Friday, February 19th. The winner will be notified by Friday, February 26th.

To apply, email a cover sheet and two short personal statements to Annie Erdmann at [email protected] by February 19th, 2016, with the subject line “Travel Award Application 2016.”

Cover sheets should include the following:

  • Your Name
  • Your Current Address
  • Your Phone Number
  • Your Preferred Email
  • Your School Affiliation

Personal statements should answer the following questions:

  • How will attending the Summit or Annual Meeting inform your current or future professional practice? (150 words)
  • In five years, how do you hope your work in information science will have had a positive impact on your community? (500 words

Questions? Feel free to contact Annie Erdmann at (617) 251-2723 or [email protected].


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