Get Help from the ASIS&T League of Extraordinary Coders!



Desperate for help with coding projects? Freaking out over your 488 assignment?

OR are you a coding wizard looking to help others?

Join the League of Extraordinary Coders!

  • Bring class assignments to our meetings in order to receive help on your coding projects.
  • Our team of coders will give constructive edits in a supportive environment at the SLIS tech lab.
  • If you are a more experienced web developer and would like to help others, please come join us!

Who: You amidst an extraordinary league of coding tutors.

What: Receiving support (and helping others) with technology assignments.

When: November 22 and Nov 30th [RSVP at:]

Where: The SLIS tech lab. Palace road building room 213, from 12-4pm

Why: School assignments, receive coding help, give coding help

In the future, our extraordinary league will coordinate an ongoing coding workshop so students can give and receive constructive criticism on their projects. Are you not a great coder or not very confident in your skills? That’s why we will be meeting! Now is your chance to join this extraordinary league from its very beginning.  Of course, there will be caffeinated beverages.

Brought to you by ASIST’s League of Extraordinary Coders.