Student Leadership

Here you will find useful information that will help you to run student associations efficiently and effectively.

Planning and Evaluating Meetings & Events
Meeting & Event Planning Checklist
Includes information on booking rooms, ordering food, paying off-campus vendors, publicizing your meeting/event, and booking media equipment.
Event Attendance Sheet Template
Be sure to print an attendance sheet for all your events and keep a digital record as well. This will make filling out your end-of-semester report much easier.

Using Tech Lab Resources
• Please see the SLIS Tech Lab website –
Includes information on podcasting your event, blogs and wikis, and workshop series.

• Email your document to [email protected] asking them to print one copy for your student group. Then go to the tech lab and exchange your student ID for the group copy card, which will allow you to make as many full color copies as you need.
• For mass copies, go to the Simmons copy center and give them your student group budget number. They will deduct the charges from that account.

Financial Policies and Planning
General Information and Instructions for Treasurers
Includes information on budgeting, budget requests, paying vendors, and reimbursements, as well as explaining the following forms.
Non-Travel Expense Reimbursement Form
Sales Tax Exemption Sheet
Guidelines for Credit Card Use
Example Budget Request
Example Budget Report