World Usability Day at Simmons College

World Usability Day at Simmons College

To celebrate World Usability Day 2012, UXPA @ Simmons proudly presents its usability feedback event on November 8, 2012, featuring four local organizations demonstrating their system interface design to obtain on-the-spot usability evaluation and critique from the audience. The event will take place from 8:30am to 11:30am on Thursday, 11/8/12, in the Kotzen Conference Room.


The event is co-sponsored by GSLIS Technology.  The event is  free and open to the Simmons community and the public.

Registration is required:

Light breakfast will be provided.


Below is the agenda:


8:30 – 8:40 Check in

8:40-8:45 Welcome and Introductions

8:45-9:20 NASA ADS Labs (

Presented by Alberto Accomazzi, Program Manager, NASA Astrophysics Data System

9:20-9:55 BC Libraries Video Clip Retrieval (

Presented by Benjamin Florin, Web Developer, Boston College Libraries

9:55-10:05 Break

10:05-10:40 EBSCOHost Application

Presented by Kate Lawrence, User Experience Researcher and Megan Hurst, Product Manager, Library User Experience, EBSCO Publishing

10:40-11:15 Tufts University Home Page (

Presented by Jeremy Wahlman-Krogh, Project Manager, Web Communications, Tufts University.

11:15-11:30 Wrap up


UXPA @ Simmons looks forward to seeing you there!


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