Spring ASIS&T Events

We’ve had a busy spring here so far, with the New England ASIS&T conference last month and a number of workshops on topics such as Content Management Systems, Drupal, and Git. There are a number of other events coming up that are worth knowing about. We’re particularly excited for an event coming up on April 25th, when Nicole Hennig, head of the User Experience Group at the MIT libraries, will be speaking about the role of new technology and new media in the library environment. Here’s Nicole’s bio from her website:

Nicole Hennig is Head of the User Experience Group for the MIT Libraries. Her field of expertise is user experience, including usable web design, usability testing, and ethnographic user studies, and she has spoken on these topics at conferences such as National Online and Internet Librarian. In 2001 she won the Infinite Mile Award for Innovation and Creativity given by her peers in the MIT Libraries, in 2006 she won the MIT Excellence Award for Innovation Solutions, and in 2009, ASIS&T Chapter Member of the Year. Before coming to MIT in January of 1999, she was the Systems Librarian for Bose Corporation in Framingham, MA, where she designed and managed the home page for the corporate Intranet. She has worked in academic, corporate, and non-profit libraries for over 15 years and was formerly a classical musician, playing pipe organ and harpsichord in the Boston area. She is @nic221 on Twitter.

This event will take place on Monday, April 25th in the GSLIS Tech Lab, P213, beginning at 6:30 p.m..

A number of other events are coming up as well. Wednesday, April 13th is Library Snapshot Day. You can participate by taking a picture with a camera or phone of the library or archives where you work. Send your photo to Cressida Hanson with your name, the name of the library or archives, and a short description of its mission. On April 14th, you can see all of the photographs at the Simmons ALASC Facebook Page.

On Wednesday, April 20th, GSLIS will be holding a career fair at the Linda Paresky Conference Center, from noon until 2:00 p.m.. You can RSVP to the career fair at http://gsliscareerfair.eventbrite.com/. Formal dress is required.

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