• Name: Katie Glasoe 
  • Position: President 
  • Degree: General track with a focus on Special Libraries 
  • Anticipated graduation date: May 2016
  • Why special libraries? I enjoy working in a business environment, the collections are more focused and the patrons usually have high expectations. Working in special libraries is a fun challenge! 
  • What are your plans after graduation? To gain full time employment in a special library and start training to ride a century (a 100 mile bike ride). 
  • Fun Fact: I'm originally from Minnesota and have the accent to prove it! 

Name: Mason Fields
Position: President-Elect
Degree: MLIS General Track
How far in the program are you: I am a little more than halfway through with the program.
Anticipated graduation date:  Fall 2016
Why special libraries?: Special Libraries being such broad category, offers opportunities to work in wide variety of settings. Settings that can be very similar or quite divorced from the traditional idea of what a library looks like. Each of these settings comes with unique and interesting challenges that make force the librarian to think outside the box, they also offer the chance to apply LIS skills in places people wouldn’t usually think they belong.
Plans after graduation: Find full time employment where I can use my LIS skills to their full extent! Hopefully it’ll be in Boston, but if not I’m always up for an adventure to somewhere new.
Fun Fact: I am a big map and Star Wars nerd.

This past week Boston Toastmasters in collaboration with SLA@Simmons hosted an interactive public speaking workshop for current SLIS students. Students participated in mock interviews, both giving and receiving feedback to one another. Participants also practiced networking with confidence, brainstorming conversation openers and giving 30 second elevator pitches.

If you were unable to attend, Ally Dunn, current President of Boston Toastmasters recommended the book "The Introvert Advantage"
For more information on Toastmasters, please visit Toastmaster International's website or the website for the Boston chapter.
interview X
Pictured left to right: Brett Burdick - VP of Education, Boston Toastmasters; Katie Glasoe - President, SLA@Simmons Student Chapter; Ally Dunn - President, Boston Toastmasters

Cap off National Library Week 2016 with a special career event on Saturday, April 16 from 1 to 4 pm at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC).

Students, new grads and job seekers are encouraged to attend and network and learn from:

- 10 local library and archives organization representatives,

- 7 speakers,

- 5 hiring or internship managers, and

- over 70 of your professional colleagues.

For more information and registration, go to:  http://metro.org/events/730/ or email Tom Nielson: [email protected]