Ola Canty – SLA Treasurer

  • Name - Ola Canty
  • Position - Treasurer
  • Degree - Archives track
  • How far in the program are you - 1st semester
  • Anticipated graduation date - Spring 2017
  • Why special libraries? Having worked in a corporate environment, I can understand why corporations and other organizations would care to retain their history and records beyond being prepared for audits. I foresee increased demand for librarians and archivists in these organizations, and I want to be ahead of the curve.
  • What are your plans after graduation? I just started the program, so I am still getting to learn the many possibilities. But, I am drawn to digital preservation and conservation.
  • Fun/Funny fact? I like to re-read and re-watch all of the Harry Potter books and movies every few years 🙂

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