Update of Events

Hello everyone!

Here is a quick update of news & events happening in the coming weeks:

Fall is almost here and what better way to celebrate than by attending the SLA Fall Conference at Simmons on September 27th! This is a great opportunity to hear experienced professionals in the field and learn more about the unique aspects of special librarianship. Best of all the event is free for Simmons students!

The registration deadline is this Friday, the 20th so sign up soon!

For more info on the events of the day and link to register click here: http://newengland.sla.org/archives/25486


Friday the 20th of September is also the deadline to register for SLA Day on the Job. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn more about a specific area of special librarianship. “Day on the Job” can be as simple as a conversation with a librarian in a special library you are interested in or it can be a full immersion experience such as shadowing a librarian at work for a day. More details will follow after registration is set.

Register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1acVEnvUSgXoS8hgR0HvVtpzB8ZPVI-HfO-O9Qug60gY/viewform?edit_requested=true


OCTOBER 16, 2013 1-4pm
SLA@SIMMONS will be hosting a field trip to visit two special libraries - Ropes & Gray LLP and Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP. This is a fantastic opportunity to get a glimpse into two legal library environments. Open to all GISLIS students. RSVP will be necessary. Stay tuned for additional information and formal sign-up.

Finally we want to let you know that unfortunately for the time being the Archivist position is closed for nomination. Stay tuned till October for official student group leaders elections.