SLA Elections! Seeking Archivist, Webmaster


We are seeking an archivist and a webmaster for Summer or Fall 2013.

Position descriptions:

The Webmaster's duties shall include, but not be limited to, site design and accuracy, updating the WordPress website and Twitter feed with current and upcoming projects and events (both internal and external), contact information, and relevant external web sites and associations.

The Archivist’s duties shall include, but not be limited to, developing and maintaining a basic records management program for SLA documents and correspondence. Additionally, the Archivist is responsible for creating event fliers and assisting co-chairs as needed.

Serving as an SLA officer is a great way to gain experience and make personal and professional connections in your field. Please nominate yourself!

To do so, email gspres at with your name, the organization, and the position you want to run for, and a 2-3 sentence blurb about why you are a good candidate. Nominations will be accepted until Saturday, April 13.

Email gslis-sla at simmons with any questions!

photo from crsan on Flickr, Creative Commons