American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) Bylaws

Official Name
The official name of this organization is the American Library Association Student Chapter at Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

The purposes of this organization are:
– To increase awareness of and participation in the American Library Association and related state and regional professional organizations.
– To gain insight into the organization, operation, and value of such organizations.
– To provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the American Library Association and in the profession.
– To prepare students for library life beyond Simmons by fostering the skills and relationships they need to have a creative impact on the profession.

1. Activities are planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II.
2. In addition to its own activities, the Chapter promotes involvement in professional activities sponsored by the ALA and related state and regional professional organizations.
3. Activities sponsored by the Chapter must be opened to the entire Simmons GSLIS community.
4. Input from the Simmons GSLIS community, in the form of program evaluations, surveys, or informal feedback, guides the planning process for Chapter activities.
5. Any current GSLIS student is eligible to serve as a project manager and carry out a short-term campaign of information and/or events addressing issues as described in Article II, Part 2. Projects may be coordinated with national events, such as Banned Books Week, or independently organized.
6. Whenever possible, activities are recorded, repeated, or otherwise made available to students who are not able to attend in person.

The officers of this organization include Coordinators of information, events, resources, projects, and the Chapter as a whole. Officers must be ALA members.
1. A leadership group consisting of the officers and the Faculty Advisor(s) as Member(s) Ex-Officio sets priorities for the organization in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II.
2. The Faculty Advisor(s) guide the officers in complying with College regulations for student groups and identifying ALA initiatives/programs that they might want to consider supporting.
3. Individual officers have the following responsibilities:
– The Chapter Coordinator ensures communication among the officers and leadership group, recruits members, coordinates elections, and represents the Chapter to the College. The C.C. is also the Chapter’s liaison to the ALA, the GSLIS student association (LISSA), and other student groups and partners. Tasks include attending meetings, prioritizing projects, and working with Chapter leaders at other LIS programs.
– The Information Coordinator is responsible for the Chapter’s print media presence and online identity (including social media accounts). The I.C. also serves as archivist for the Chapter. Tasks include updating the Chapter’s website(s), disseminating information received from ALA and its divisions, taking notes at meetings, and keeping a record of attendance at Chapter events.
– The Events Coordinator plans Chapter events and activities in cooperation with the other officers, and in accordance with the parameters set forth in Article III. Tasks include scheduling and promoting events, reserving rooms or equipment, and working with outside speakers.
– The Resources Coordinator manages the Chapter’s finances, from initial allocation by LISSA to final reconciliation at the close of each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). No funds shall be disbursed unless approved and authorized by the Leadership Group. Any checks disbursing funds must be signed according to College procedures. Tasks include tracking expenditures, handling reimbursements, and paying speakers and vendors.
– The Projects Coordinator is responsible for managing project managers (described in Article III, Part 5). Tasks include recruiting project managers, helping them translate ideas into projects, guiding them in designing their campaigns, and connecting them with other officers (the E.C. for event planning, the R.C. for budgeting) as needed.

Elections and Terms of Office
1. All current GSLIS students are entitled to vote for the officers of the Chapter.
2. Nominations of officers can be submitted by candidates or any other current GSLIS student during a nomination period of at least one week. Candidates are encouraged to provide biographical information and statements of intent to voters.
3. Elections are held by electronic ballot. Judgment of adequate representation shall be at the discretion of the Faculty Advisor.
4. Terms for all officers are one year, beginning with the summer semester.
5. An individual may serve a maximum of two year-long terms in each position.
6. In the event of a vacancy prior to the expiration of a term of office, the Leadership Group and Faculty Advisors will appoint a temporary coordinator for the remainder of the term. Before the appointment is made, students will have a chance to read a statement from the candidate and give feedback. The new coordinator will serve until the next general election, at which point he or she may run for re-election.

Committees may be appointed as necessary by the Leadership Group to carry out short-term projects.

Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any GSLIS community member. Ratification will be determined by a majority vote in the next scheduled Chapter election. Proposals must be available to voters a minimum of one week prior to that election.

Ratification of this Constitution will be decided by a majority vote of the student body.

Ratified December 11, 2011.