UXPA@Simmons Bylaws

ARTICLE I: Purpose

The purposes of this organization are:

– To increase awareness of and participation usability and user experience forums, projects, and dialogues

– To provide a campus forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in usability and user experience

– To prepare students for incorporating usability evaluation into their careers upon graduation

ARTICLE II: Activities

1. Activities are planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article I.

2. In addition to its own activities, the student group promotes involvement in professional activities sponsored by related state and regional professional organizations, including but not limited to UPA Boston

3. Whenever possible, activities are recorded, repeated, or otherwise made available to students who are not able to attend in person.

ARTICLE III: Leadership

1. Officers of this organization include Co-Chairs (x2), Treasurer, Communications Officer, and Secretary. Additional positions may be created as necessary, upon growth of the organization.

2. Faculty Advisor(s) guide the officers in complying with College regulations for student groups.

3. Individual officers have the following responsibilities:

– Co-Chairs ensure communication among the officers and leadership group, recruits members, coordinates elections, and represents the Chapter to the College. Tasks include scheduling and promoting events, reserving rooms or equipment, working with outside speakers, scheduling elections, and performing outreach.

– Communications Officer is responsible for the Chapter’s print media presence and social media presence to promote events.

– Webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the Chapter’s website.

– Secretary serves as archivist for the Chapter. Tasks include disseminating information received from other sources, passing in documentation at the end of each semester, taking notes at meetings, and keeping a record of attendance at Chapter events.

– Treasurer manages the Chapter’s finances. No funds shall be disbursed unless approved and authorized by the Leadership Group. Any checks disbursing funds must be signed according to College procedures. Tasks include tracking expenditures, handling reimbursements, and paying speakers and vendors.

ARTICLE IV: Elections and Terms of Office

1. Nominations and elections are conducted through LISSA – any student can nominate another, or can self-nominate. Once the nomination process has ended, elections will be held as per LISSA, and Simmons SLIS students will vote for the nominees.

2. An individual may serve a maximum of two, year-long terms in each position for a total of 4 semesters of service in one role. If a current officer would like to serve in a different position than the role currently held, the officer must self-nominate and run for the role.

ARTICLE V: Amendments

Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any UXPA@Simmons officer.

Ratification will be determined by a majority vote in the next scheduled officer meeting.