Summer 2021: The Shirley Eustis House archives, Roxbury, MA

The Shirley-Eustis House, Roxbury, MA

Shirley Eustis House (front)
The front façade of the Shirley-Eustis House. Photograph by Amanda DeRosa, 2021.

In Summer 2021, former SLIS professor Sarah Pratt Martin and a team of four SLIS graduate students worked with Executive Director, Suzy Buchanan, to establish the archives of the Shirley-Eustis House in Roxbury, MA.  Without an archivist on site, SEH was not eligible to host a traditional curricular field experience for our SLIS students.  However, through LIS 505-SL, Prof. Pratt Martin and the students were able to survey approx. 40 linear feet of unprocessed material.  Two collections were processed (one to the folder level, and one to the box level) and collection level records for each were created in SEH’s CMS.  The team also created a manual for future volunteers and interns to support the growth and maintainence of these collections.

This project was generously supported by both Mass Humanities and MA SHRAB funding, allowing SEH to purchase archival materials for proper storage of the collections.