
Placements for Introductory Field Experiences

A call for projects goes out supervisors via email several weeks before a given semester.  These calls include emails to past supervisors, in addition to targeted emails to sites outside of our existing network.   Our Boston and SLIS West  (Mt. Holyoke) campuses mean we are always in need of placements in the New England area, specifically Boston.  However, our program is also offered fully online so we have students in need of placement outside of New England as well.

This email includes details on how to submit potential student field experience projects into our field experience management system.  You are able to create projects with robust descriptions, including project topics and deliverables.  Your project is linked to your institution and site supervisors in the system.

For past supervisors, you are able to use your existing profile to create a new project in the management system.  We will link you with a student in the system upon placement.

For new supervisors, you will be asked to create an account in our field experience management system.  Once created, you will create a project description in the system, following guidelines that provided for you.  We will link you with the student in the system.

It is important to note that because placement is enrollment dependent, we cannot guarantee that all sites that submit projects will receive a student for a given semester.

Each semester, we have approximately 100 students enrolled in LIS 438.  After enrolling in the course, students complete a profile in our management system identifying their location, experience, transportation needs, and availability.  We then use this profile to match students to sites and projects.