Lunch Byte 3/20


Lunch Byte: What All Librarians & Information Scientists Should Know About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Want to learn the latest and greatest search engine optimization tactic? Just go to Google and type in that keyword phrase. Flavor-of-the month SEO exists. And organizations that game the commercial web search engines will continue to pollute web search results with substandard listings.

That being said, it is easy to see why the SEO industry has a shady reputation.

Nevertheless, search engine optimization is important for a website’s and an intranet’s overall findability. If you properly optimize your website for Google, Yahoo, and Bing, the “aboutness” of your web documents (pages, videos, images, etc.) will be clear to both humans and machines – searchers and search engines.

Search-engine friendly websites are websites that are designed, organized, labeled, and written for people who use search engines. What do librarians, information architects, and academic professionals need to know about building search-engine friendly websites?

In this webinar, SEO pioneer and veteran Shari Thurow will show you:

  • The role of keywords in site navigation and labeling
  • 4 searcher goals 
  • Aboutness and information scent
  • The role of metadata in SEO 
  • How to ensure that search engines have access to desired content
  • How to ensure that search engines don’t have access to undesirable content
  • Common myths & misconceptions

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