Usability Student Panel

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013

Time: 4:15 – 5:45 pm

Location: P-207, Palace Road Building, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA

Registration: Free and open to all! Click here to register.

The User Experience Professional Association @ Simmons (UXPA) is presenting a student panel!

This is your chance to discover what your fellow students are doing in usability research! Come join us for a panel of student usability researchers, and see what kinds of work you can do as a usability researcher, and what usability research can do for you! Our panelists will be discussing four different projects:

Quick Turnaround Testing: UX Research in a Corporate Context by Dan Zavala

UX research in a company is typically performed frequently and with a quick turnaround. Often stakeholders would request results and recommendations immediately after you complete the tests. This presentation will share experiences in managing multiple projects and producing usability deliverables efficiently and effectively.

Mobile Usability Testing and Tools by Graham Herrli

How should you design and test mobile device usability? I try to answer this by reviewing the literature about mobile and the tools available for testing. Can you test a mobile device in a stationary setting?

Pilot Testing Suma: An Open Source Toolkit for Assessment by Elizabeth Quigley

Libraries often struggle with how to collect usage data and turn it into statistics for assessment projects. Suma is an open source toolkit created by NCSU that eases data collection and provides analysis. I’ve been piloting Suma at Snell Library at Northeastern this semester to determine if it is a viable solution for usage data collection long term.

Designing Usability Testing for Dataverse by Eric Gibbs and Lin Lin

Dataverse is a software application that allows researchers to upload and share data they’ve collected in their studies. Lin and Eric have been working to determine the Harvard version’s strengths and weaknesses in how it allows researchers to both upload and search for data.

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