NEASIS&T Fall Meet-up

Would you like to spend an evening noshing on free hors d’ouvres over stimulating conversation with some tech savvy librarians from MIT, Suffolk University, the MA State Library, and other New England libraries? But of course!


Mark your calendars for the NEASIST Fall Meet-up: Hacking the Library: United States of America vs. Aaron Swartz.”


Join us for an informal and lively discussion about the impending United States of America v. Aaron Swartz case.  Swartz has been charged with 13 felonies for hacking into the JSTOR database from the MIT network and downloading millions of articles.  Whose side are you on – was he simply freeing information that should be publicly available, or did he truly commit a crime?  What does this mean for research libraries?  How is legislation keeping up with the digital revolution?


Food for thought:


WhenThursday, November 8, 5:30pm to 7pm



Champions Sports Bar, Marriott Hotel in Kendall Square plaza (next to the Red Line)

50 Broadway

Cambridge, MA 02142




One thought on “NEASIS&T Fall Meet-up

  1. This post has been modified to reflect the correct name of the impending court case: “United States of America v. Aaron Swartz”.

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