Webinar: Institutional repositories and local practice

Institutional repositories and local practice: sharing experience and lessons
Wednesday, Feb. 29th
GSLIS Tech Lab
Register here.

Institutional Collaboration for Research Data Management
The Purdue University Research Repository is an institutional approach to address data research needs. The collaboration has been successful because of three critical partners: the Office of the Vice President for Research (sponsored funding expertise), HUBzero (TM) team (research collaboration platform expertise) and the Libraries (data curation & preservation expertise). Presents an overview of the collaboration, functionality of the platform, and impact on librarians and researchers.

How a Repository Can Help You, the Researcher
This discussion focuses on the benefits researchers receive from partnering with their libraries to preserve and make broadly accessible their scholarly research output by utilizing repository software and infrastructure. It will explain the various components that must be in place to utilize these services. Components include: copyright, licenses, file formats, file versions.

Developing an Institutional Repository at Indiana State University
This discussion focuses on ISU institutional repository, Sycamore Scholars, for publishing and archiving ISU theses and dissertations and other scholarly materials. Ms. Wang provides technical support for the Wabash Valley Visions & Voices Digital Memory Project. She also participates in ISU digital preservation project via MetaArchive and LOCKSS as a cache administrator and plugin developer.

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