NEASIS&T: How America?s Revolutionaries Imagined Intellectual Property

Thursday, December 1st, 2011
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Uno?s Pizzeria (lower level)
22 JFK Street (Harv. Square)
Cambridge, MA

Copyright, trademark and patents are not new concepts. Our founding fathers resolved the tension between commonwealth and monopoly though a civic republican model that allowed for private ownership so long as intellectual property was not held in perpetuity but given, after a short time, to the public. However, new technologies have made defining and protecting intellectual property ever more challenging. In recent months, Congress has begun to reform patent filings, and a lawsuit has been brought against HathiTrust, a shared digital library.

Gather with friends for a happy-hour discussion on what is current in the world of intellectual property law for the information professional.

For inspiration, read Frames from the Framers:

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