Satellite Viewing: Digital Public Library of America Plenary Meeting

Friday, October 21st, 2011
School of Management M105

The first Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Plenary Meeting, convened by the DPLA Secretariat at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and hosted by The National Archives in Washington, DC, will bring together a wide range of stakeholders in a broad, open forum to present the history of and vision for the DPLA effort, to showcase the best ideas and models submitted to the Beta Sprint (an open call for code and concepts defining how the DPLA should operate), and to create multiple points of entry for public participation in the work of the DPLA.

Attend the portion of the DPLA meeting most interesting to you. ?See the full program.


Register for the satellite viewing at Simmons?here.

Follow the conversation online

The DPLA will have people monitoring Twitter and Facebook and feeding questions into the discussions in D.C.

Twitter hashtag: #dpla
Follow on FB.

Sponsored by Simmons ASIS&T and GSLIS Technology.

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