Speed Networking Night – March 30

The GSLIS Alumni Board and the Student Chapter of ASIS&T is co-sponsoring an educational speed-networking event! This is your chance to network with GSLIS alumni in various areas of librarianship and with representatives from librarian organizations to learn about career paths, specific industries, or ?a day in the life.? (Note: this is not a job fair. Dress is business casual.)

Speed Networking Night hosted by the GSLIS Alumni Board and the Student Chapter of ASIS&T
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Simmons College, Linda K. Paresky Conference Center

RSVP required; students must register here in order to participate:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NPVC8ZX

Cost: In the past, Alumni Board sponsored career events have sold out. Therefore, we are asking for a $5 deposit to reserve a seat BUT you will receive your money back when you arrive, so the final cost is FREE!

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