Celebrate Summer with NEASIST – 7/29

Date and Time: 
Sat, July 29, 2017
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM EDT

25 Park Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Join your colleagues and friends to celebrate the summer and the chapter’s award winners! Here’s what you can do at the NEASIST Summer Picnic*

  • congratulate the four people receiving awards: a student and three professionals, with diverse interests and home institutions
  • win tech-themed door prizes, play party games, and meet interesting colleagues and new friends
  • enjoy snacks and drinks courtesy of the NEASIST Program Committee**
  • hear, BRIEFLY, about leadership opportunities that match your skills, your goals, and your available time***

* It’s not really a picnic, since we’re indoors and there’s plenty of seating. But we’ll be in a relaxed, picnicking state of mind!
** We’ll have vegetarian-friendly options, but let us know about special dietary restrictions: [email protected]
*** We mean it: VERY briefly.

If you’re interested in information science, technology, and libraries, you are welcome — practitioners and students and researchers, whether or not you’re an ASIST member.

Our location in Coolidge Corner is easy to get to on the Green Line C and D trains and the 66 and 86 bus lines. There’s free street parking, too.

It’s free, but please RSVP so that we can provide the right amount of food and drink!

If you can’t physically make it to the event, we’re more than happy to Skype you in.

To RSVP for the event, please visit the following page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/celebrate-summer-with-neasist-tickets-36195412453

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