Introduction to SLIS – 9/6/17

The Introduction to SLIS Boston event will be taking place on Tuesday, September 6th for the incoming Fall semester students who will be embarking upon their library school quest here at Simmons College. The event will be from 2pm to 7pm in the Linda K. Paresky Conference Center.

We will have a table at this event. Feel free to come by our table to learn more about what our group does. If you are interested in joining our group, you can add your name and email address to our sign-up sheet so that you will be kept in the know about upcoming events and meetings.

If you are unable to attend this event, here is an informational handout describing what our club does, how you can sign up for our email listserv, our contact information, and how you can connect with us on social media.

We look forward to meeting you. We wish you all the best as you embark upon your LIS educational journey here at Simmons SLIS.


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