Minutes from meeting on 09/29


  • Matt Amory
  • Louisa Choy
  • Su Ciampa
  • Amy Deschenes
  • Luke Gaudreau
  • Diana Haynes
  • Katie Ingrao
  • Linnea Johnson
  • Kristina Lareau
  • Adam Robinson


  • Shannon Astolfi


ASIS&T Organization Overview

  • Members are from inside and outside the library community. Great for networking, conferences, speakers, and events on the local, regional, and national level
  • You do not have to join the ASIS&T National Organization in order to participate in the Simmons chapter, but if you do decide to join it?s only $40 and you get discounts to events and two journal subscriptions. You can find out more information and join online here: http://www.asis.org/Join/index.html
  • If anyone is interested, the ASIS&T National Conference is in November and in Vancouver (flights are pricey, but we can fund raise, if there are people who want to go).
  • There is a strong New England chapter of ASIS&T (NEASIS&T) They are having an all-day fall event around the ?Rebirth of Libraries? as well as a fall book club night about the book Groundswell.

Goals for Simmons ASIS&T Chapter

  • Strengthen our web presence. We want to make sure that even if someone can?t attend the meetings, that they are still able to be an active participant virtually.
  • A big thanks to Shannon, who has already started to add tons of content to the blog.
  • Setup Basecamp for collaboration

Fall event ideas

  • Speaker panel
  • Techlab workshops
  • Mobile libraries talk
  • Multimedia & libraries
  • Wine & Cheese networking/speaker event
  • Reaching Out & Recruiting New Members
  • How to make best use of blog, Facebook, Twitter?
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