Tutorial Tuesday: Visualization

Libraries col?lect a?lot of data that encom?pass com?plex net?works about how users nav?i?gate through online resources, which sub?jects cir?cu?late the most or the least, which resources are requested via inter?li?brary loan, vis?i?ta?tion pat?terns over peri?ods of time, ref?er?ence queries, and

Wanted: Web Editor

Looking for an easy way to get involved with ASIS&T at Simmons? Have a hard time making it to campus for meetings? Help build our online community by volunteering to add content or manage events on this blog!

I will …

Meeting Minutes from 10.20.09

ASIS&T Meeting


  • Andrea
  • Su
  • Nancy
  • Deanna
  • Melissa
  • Luke
  • Sarah
  • Louisa
  • Amy
Open Access
Peer reviewed, free of cost, online access to scholarly literature.

* Push back from scholarly community?

o Journals are expensive.

o Authors don?t get paid.

o …