SLA 2016 Call for Poster Proposals: “LOVE Your Library! Joint Poster Session”

The Social Science, Academic, Education, and Museums, Arts, & Humanities Divisions of the Special Libraries Association invite proposals for a poster session to be held during SLA’s annual conference in Philadelphia, June 2016. This year’s joint poster session follows the overall conference theme of “LOVE Your Libraries” The posters will be displayed in the INFO-Expo area during the opening reception on Sunday June 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm, providing increased exposure for participants to conference attendees in a relaxed and informal setting.

We welcome proposals from any SLA member, new or experienced, and especially from students. The theme allows for a wide array of possible topics. A prize will be awarded for the best poster, as judged by attendees.
Please submit proposals by Monday February 29, 2016.

Please send proposals via email to Emily Vaughan ([email protected]). Proposals should include a title, 250 word description, your name, institution and e-mail address. Proposals will be reviewed by the committee for relevance and quality. Applicants will be notified by email of the committee’s decision by March 15.

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