This week SLA @ Simmons will be hosting our first event of the year, a Pizza Party and General Meeting. Join us to meet the new officers, learn more about our plans for the Fall and to discuss issues of interest to Special Libraries. And, if you are interested in getting involved, this will be your chance, as we currently have opening for both an Archivist and a Vice-President.
Then in a couple of weeks, we are planning our first outing of the year. On Tuesday, October 11th, we will be touring the Harvard Business School's Baker Library and the Harvard Law School Library for a chance to see two academic Special Libraries and to meet the librarians who work there. If you are interested in academic libraries generally or the intersection of academic and special libraries, this event is for you! We will be meeting for lunch at the Harvard Business School cafeteria first followed by tours of each of the libraries. Feel free to come for just one of the tours if you can't stay for both! More information on how to RSVP for these tours will be coming soon.
We hope to see you all at our first events of the year, but if you can't make it to these events, stay tuned here for information about more events in the coming week!