French Cultural Center Library Tour



In collaboration with SCIRRT (the Student Chapter of ALA International Relations Round Table), SLA@Simmons toured the French Cultural Center Library.  The Center is located in Back Bay, in a beautiful brown stone on Marlborough Street. Our tour was led by Marie Lalevee, the head librarian of this special library. Marie was a fantastic tour guide describing the history of the Center, its mission, and challenges and successes of their reading room redesign (which was beautiful). She also spoke about her experiences working abroad in Kyoto and London.

The library is unique in that it only has original French language items in the collection, not translations.  It contains magazines, newspapers, DVDs, and music CDs.  They also have fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, adult, adolescent, and children's books, The French Cultural Center is open to the public, but you must be a member to check out items.

Thank you to all who participated for such a fantastic afternoon!


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