Andrea Hetley – Simmons SLA Archivist

Name: Andrea Hetley
Position: SLA@Simmons Archivist
Degrees - General, Archives:
-BA in History, minor in Psychology, Fordham University

-MA in US History, Claremont Graduate University

-Coursework towards a Ph.D. in 19th Century US History, focus on Women's and Gender History, with a minor field in World History

How far in the program are you: This is my first semester
Anticipated graduation date: May 2017
Why special libraries?: I want to learn about all kinds of libraries, both traditional and non-traditional.  I'm currently interning at the WGBH Media Library & Archives.
What are your plans after graduation?: I'd like to find a job in the archives field, and I'm quite flexible about the type of archive.  I enjoy working with a variety of different document and media types of different ages.  I'm greatly enjoying my current internship, so I might want to work in a public broadcasting library or archive.
Fun/Funny fact?: I've lived in three corners of the US and traveled to all four.
andrea hetley

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