Student Chapter of Special Libraries Association at Simmons College (SLA@Simmons) Bylaws
Article I: Name and Objectives
Section 1.The name of this student organization organization affiliated with the College of Information Science and Technology at Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts shall be the Special Libraries Association at Simmons College, hereinafter, referred to as SLA@Simmons.
Section 2. The objectives of SLA@Simmons shall be to provide an association of students at Simmons College School of Library and Information Science having a professional, scientific, or technical interest in library and information science; to encourage a relaxed environment to explore special libraries; and to promote and improve the communication, dissemination, and use of information and knowledge for the benefit of student members, libraries or other educational organizations.
Article II: Membership
Section 1. Membership in SLA@Simmons is open to students currently or previously enrolled in the Simmons College School of Library and Information Science program.
Section 2. Membership in SLA@Simmons requires no dues or fees. Members are encouraged, though not required, to become members of the Special Libraries Association. In the event of SLA@Simmons sponsored activities or events, members are responsible for any expenses related to transportation to and from the event unless specified. All officers must be current graduate students at the time of their election
Section 3. A Member shall have the right to participate in all SLA@Simmons activities, and to hold any open office or appointive position within SLA@Simmons. A nonmember shall also have the right to participate in events without paying a fee. SLA@Simmons encourages the participation of online and SLIS West students and will strive to make events accessible to them.
Section 4. SLA@Simmons is open to all graduate students regardless of race, color, age, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, and ability.
Article III: Officers
Section 1. The President shall be the chief executive officer and shall have general supervision over the affairs of SLA@Simmons; shall preside over all meetings; shall act as liaison of SLA@Simmons to the larger library community; and shall provide leadership in the organization of activities and events. The president must be a full-time graduate student living in the immediate Boston area.
Section 2. The President-elect will be elected during the first two weeks of the same quarter the president is expected to graduate. The president-elect will shadow the president in all responsibilities and move into the position of president following the conclusion of the current president’s term (mandating the president-elect have at least one semester longer in the program than the current president). The president-elect must be a full-time graduate student living in the immediate Boston area.
Section 3.The Vice President shall assist the president; shall maintain and encourage faculty interest; shall maintain contact with the international Special Libraries Association; and shall help coordinate logistical plans for activities. The vice president shall serve as president in the absence of the president and president-elect.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall represent and advocate for SLA@Simmons student group on all financial matters; shall be responsible for creating SLA@Simmons annual budget request; shall advise SLA@Simmons student officers on expenditures and reimbursements; and shall report the financial status of the organization. The treasurer will be a full-time graduate student located in the immediate Boston area.
Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall provide a written record of meetings in the form of minutes and other special reports as needed.
Section 6. The Webmaster shall be the officer responsible for generating the online presence of SLA@Simmons, which includes reaching out to SLIS West and online students.
Section 7. The Archivist shall be responsible for maintaining a basic records management program for SLA@Simmons documents and correspondence; shall coordinate with the webmaster to make some of those documents available on the organization website; and assist cochairs as needed.
Section 8. The election of officers shall follow the election guidelines as laid out by LISSA (the overarching body for student leadership at SLIS). The terms of all officers shall officially begin the last day of that term. In the event that a position has not be filled during an election, SLA@Simmons may opt to retain the officer previously elected until a new officer can be elected.
Section 9. To promote organizational continuance, newly elected officers shall be encouraged to attend officer meetings and shadow their counterparts for the duration of time between their election and commencement.
Article IV: Faculty Advisor
Section 1. There shall be a Faculty Advisor for SLA@Simmons. The Faculty Advisor must be a faculty or staff member at Simmons College.
Section 2.The Faculty Advisor shall oversee all events and activities of SLA@Simmons to ensure they align with the objectives and goals of the SLA.
Article V: SLA@Simmons Meetings
Section 1: Meetings or events shall be held at the discretion of the officers and/or advisor on an ad hoc basis, but at a minimum of two per semester.
Section 2: Officer meetings shall be held on an asneeded basis for planning purposes. Officer meetings shall not restrict any member desiring to participate from attending.
Section 3. Quorum needed to conduct business or hold a meeting is 50% of officers present. Issues will be voted on and pass by majority of the officers present.
Article VI: Ratification
Section 1. The constitution will be ratified annually by a plurality vote.
Article VII: Amendments.
Section 1. Changes in the constitution must be presented at least two days prior to a general officer meeting.
Section 2. Changes or new amendments need 2/3 of the vote of the sitting officers before passing.
Article VIII: The Dissolution
Section 1. If this organization proves to not fulfill its mission, a 4/5 of vote of the officers would be needed to dissolve the organization.