SLIS Prom: Between the Stacks – 5/13

Saturday, May 13th
7:00pm – 11:00pm, Paresky Center, MCB (Linda K. Paresky Conference Center, Simmons College – Main College Building)

**Brought to you by LISSA (Library and Information Science Student Association)**

Last year’s end of the year event is back! …

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Whine & Cheese – 5/8

Brought to you by SLA@Simmons (Special Libraries Association)
May 8th, 5:00pm, Kotzen Room (First floor of Lefavour Hall, Simmons College)
Finals got you down? Just want to soothe your assignment-battered soul? Join SLA@Simmons for chance to vent or relax with
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IS&T Faculty Talk & Mixer – 4/24

Monday, April 24th
4:40pm – 6:00pm
SLIS Lounge

This event is being sponsored by ASIS&T!

Interested in learning more about Information Science & Technology? Have questions or concerns about the IS&T concentration at SLIS? Join ASIS&T for a short talk …

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