World Usability Week Invitation & Recap

We are having two events in 1 week!

First, join us for a UX career panel discussion with Simmons alumni. And then later in the week, share your thoughts on user experience for two LIS websites during our fun and interactive usability lightning round! Professionals from the Harvard University/SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) and Suffolk University Library will be participating in a lightning round discussion of their work in the fields of usability and user experience. The team representing Harvard ADS will share the “Bumblebee” interface they have designed for the indexing and searching of astronomy and physics publications, while Suffolk University Library will share the changes they’ve made to their library website. Now is your chance to give real-time feedback on these interfaces, meet the people behind the websites, and share your UX tips and tricks… before time is up!


This was a usability lightning round event – a fast-paced, fun, and interactive approach to website evaluation and user feedback, featuring the websites of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Data System. Representatives walked the attendees through their new data visualizations, discussed iterative changes, pros and cons, and also looked for feedback to improve the site for their users.

Simmons SLIS alumni discussed their careers in usability and user experience research, both in LIS settings and beyond. They also answered questions from participants. Since the panel was a scheduled class for the 531Y Usability and User Experience course, the schedule of the event was constrained to the regular class meeting time, so turnout was low. We had hoped to film the event for online students, but the panelists requested not to be filmed.

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