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Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

2 May 2007 ? Wednesday

Dinner last night was at Baalbek, a Lebanese restaurant (now there is a surprise) very close to AUK ? 5 minute walk. Michael Herb, a faculty member at GA State in Atlanta and here on a semester Fulbright, gave a talk at 5pm on ?Democratization… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

28 April 2007 ? Saturday

Yours truly had a quiet weekend. As usual, cleaned up the apartment Thursday morning ? cleaning to the music of Alissa (Lebanese) and the BeeGees ? talk about eclectic! I took Bill & Elaine Wadden out to Midas for some furniture shopping, then to the souk in Kuwait City ?… Read the rest

11 April 2007 ? Wednesday

It is the last day of Spring Break week here at AUK. The campus is very quiet, as one might expect. Amna and Hana are here at work with me as we do odds ?n ends to keep busy.… Read the rest