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Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

8 August 2007 ? Wednesday

More of the same, I?m afraid ? quiet on campus one heck of an understatement. There are only a handful of students and staff around. I?m spending some time rearranging the book collection so that new books can fit in where they belong.… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

5 August 2007 ? Sunday

Wow, it is quiet on campus ? there are very few faculty around and very few students. The 2nd summer session ends in a couple of weeks. All three of my colleagues are out, either on leave or at a conference, so work is me and two student assistants.… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

3 August 2007 – Friday

Yours truly is back in Kuwait, the land of hot, hot, hot! Official temperature is 48C or 118F !! Unofficial has been up to 53C or 127F ? yipes!!

I had an excellent leave. I began in June by attending the annual American Library Association conference – good to be amongst the chosen again and to see the continuous new technology developments.… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

6 June 2007 ? Wednesday

Well, finals have begun and the campus has gone quiet. We have killed thousands of trees with all the printing going on in the library and the computer lab ? ?for free? printing brings with it lots of waste, which is too bad but inevitable and for the moment not changeable here.… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

2 June 2007 ? Saturday

I?m back in Kuwait now, first day of work in a couple of weeks. The place is nuttier than usual ? people way too hyped up. Perhaps it is end-of-year craziness ? let?s hope so. Finals officially begin Monday and students are scurrying around to get work done ?… Read the rest