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A brief, yet lovely stay in Incheon!

A brief, yet lovely stay in Incheon!

After arriving at the airport, we took a shuttle bus to the Incheon Airport Hotel where we could get some rest before trekking into Seoul on Friday morning. Although we were tired, and somewhat frustrated (me) due to cell phone failure while trying to contact our hotel (more of a user error than a technology issue – I blame the exhaustion), we wanted to go out for our first meal in Korea.… Read the rest

Destination Seoul: The Journey Begins

Destination Seoul: The Journey Begins

Good Morning GSLIS….or “achim insa” as they say here in Korea! I apologize for not sending a speedy update about our journey so far, but due to the hilly terrain and relentless heat, our wi-fi connection is unreliable at best. I’ll recount our journey starting with our departure from Boston-Logan International Airport, a logical place to start I think, but would first like to point out that this trip really began months ago.… Read the rest

Itaewon, Namsan Park, and Seoul Tower

Itaewon, Namsan Park, and Seoul Tower

Hey all! We ended the Records Management?class with cake on Friday in celebration of Chris’ last class and subsequent graduation. It was really good cake too (fresh cream and fruit or green tea sweet potato). A women from the International Vaccine Institution named Heejung Kim came to lecture on Korean records management and archives.… Read the rest

All sorts of good stuff

All sorts of good stuff

Friday afternoon? we celebrated the last day of Kevin’s course and Chris Carter’s last class ever as a GSLIS student. Two gorgeous cakes: Green tea sweet potato and a fresh cream cake with berries were consumed by students, faculty and staff with great enjoyment after the guest lecture ended.… Read the rest