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Korean Baseball: Jammin’ at Jamsil for t

Korean Baseball: Jammin’ at Jamsil for the LG Twins!

So I apologize that these posts are no longer in precise chronological order (as an archives student, this drives me insane), but it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with all the various activities happening from day to day. I think even a Discovery channel film crew would find it difficult to keep up with this group of high energy travelers!… Read the rest

Mt. Bukhansan – Hiking Librarians!

Mt. Bukhansan – Hiking Librarians!

So you would think that after such a taxing day like Saturday, we would be ready for some R&R. Instead of taking a break, Candice and myself did the opposite. We hiked the highest mountain peak in all of Seoul. On the plane ride over, we looked through many guidebooks and learned that Seoul has a stunning National Forest with some intermediate hiking ranges.… Read the rest

Saturday in Seoul: Bethany & Lisa

Saturday in Seoul: Bethany & Lisa

Our first day in Seoul was a huge success! Not only did we get settled in our new residence, but we did a lot of exploring, shopping, sight-seeing and tea tasting. This group is relentless….and I like it!

Saturday was another free day so we were scattered across Seoul doing a multitude of different activities although it seems like we all ended up at Insadong at some point in the day.… Read the rest

Seoul Much Love: Welcome to Yonsei!

Seoul Much Love: Welcome to Yonsei!

Happy Friday to us! After months of waiting, we finally got to make our journey into Seoul and explore the beautiful campus of Yonsei University. Before arriving, people had warned us that Yonsei would be full of hills and extremely hot, but we truly did not understand the magnitude of this warning until Friday afternoon.… Read the rest