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Lectures for IT managers and Library sch...

Lectures for IT managers and Library school students and faculty

The next day, thanks to the powerpoint slides provided by Martha Kyrillidou, Director of ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs, and Raynna Bowlby, my colleague at GSLIS West who gives workshops on library assessment, I am ready.

The first lecture was at the Belarusian Scientific and Technical University Scientific Library, and the audience was managers of IT.??… Read the rest

Arrival in Minsk, Belarus

Arrival in Minsk, Belarus

On June 27 I went to Minsk, Belarus, to speak to the university and national Belarusian librarians in Minsk about library assessment. This opportunity came through the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) of the US Department of State and is part of the US Speaker Program.… Read the rest